Browsing the archives for the Review category

Review: South Park Conservatives by Brian C. Anderson

Last week’s reading list included South Park Conservatives, the 2005 title from Brain C. Anderson.  Being a huge fan of South Park since the beginning, I had heard about this book for years, just never got around to reading it.  Well, although it was decent, I’m glad that I just now read it.  I must […]


Review: In the President’s Secret Service by Ronald Kessler

So, this week, I read In the President’s Secret Service by Ronald Kessler.  In it, Kessler relays loads of information that he got through extensive interviews with past and current members of the Secret Service, with which he paints a very vivid portrait of the Presidents since Kennedy through the eyes of those who saw […]


Review: Florence of Arabia by Christopher Buckley

So, as I said before, along with my usual posts, I’m going to start letting you guys read book reviews based on what I’m reading (or more accurately put, what I just finished reading).  And with that I present the review of “Florence of Arabia” by Christopher Buckley.  Yes, another Christopher Buckley book… Now, […]


Review: Little Green Men by Christopher Buckley

So, in a lighter post than the previous ones, I decided that people might like to read reviews of the books that I read, once I finished them, so, without further ado, here is the review of Little Green Men by Christopher Buckley.  (And I know that it came out over 10 years ago, […]