Review: In the President’s Secret Service by Ronald Kessler

So, this week, I read In the President’s Secret Service by Ronald Kessler.  In it, Kessler relays loads of information that he got through extensive interviews with past and current members of the Secret Service, with which he paints a very vivid portrait of the Presidents since Kennedy through the eyes of those who saw them when the cameras were off.  Not only does Kessler go through a rundown of which presidents were having affairs (think the Democrats, except for Jimmy Carter, and Spiro Agnew), which presidents were jerks (Johnson, Nixon, Carter) and which ones were great guys (Reagan, Bush 1 & 2, and Clinton); but he also goes through the behavior of the wives, children, and vice-presidents.  (Guess which former first-lady and presidential candidate was apparently a total bitch, or to use the agents words, “very angry and sarcastic and is very hard on her staff.  She yells at them and complains.”  If you haven’t guessed yet, maybe you should stop reading TMZ all day and go read the news).

In In the President’s Secret Service, Kessler has set out a fairly informative, pretty funny book that allows the reader to get to know how the past presidents acted in real life.  Moreover, Kessler goes through a detailed history of the Secret Service, from its humble beginnings in the nineteenth century tracking down counterfeiters to its rise as the president’s bodyguards.  Along with a list of the Service’s failures (both Kennedys, George Wallace, Reagan, et al.), Kessler also documents the frustration that many of the agents feel as a result of dealing with a management structure that has refused to adapt to the changing nature of the threats facing the president and the ever increasing demands placed on the Service, from the need to provide protection for more and more individuals to the increased interference caused by political staffers who demand that the agents do their jobs from further and further away from the protectees.

IPSS is a great page turner for anyone, from those who have no idea about just what the Secret Service does to those who only want a glimpse behind the curtain at the true nature of the most powerful man in the free world.  And now, I’ll leave you with a few anecdotes to whet your whistle:

  • President Johnson was consistently drinking or drunk and fooling around with many mistresses during his presidency (which makes sense according to what can only be described as his large “asset”).
  • President Kennedy often would use the loft above his brother’s New York office for liaisons with Marilyn Monroe.
  • President Carter refused to allow the military onto his Georgia property, even though they carried the nuclear missile launch codes in case of an attack on the country.
  • President Nixon’s son-in-law was so dumb, he once “broke down” on his way from California to the East Coast.  When the repairman got to the car, it was very easy to fix.  He just needed to fill up the gas tank.
  • Nancy Reagan was so committed to the furtherance of her husband’s career that she would even forbid their children from visiting with him, until the timing was more advantageous.
  • George H.W. and Barbara Bush were such caring individuals that Bar once forbid an agent from going on a walk with the couple on an extremely cold day until he put on a hat.  One of President Bush’s own personal hats.
  • President Clinton, though usually at least an hour late for appointments, was an extremely gregarious person who would even stop to talk to the cleaning ladies in hotels he was staying at before heading out.
  • Laura Bush was universally adored by every member of the Secret Service that had even a moment’s time with her.
  • George W. Bush is so in love with Laura that it was understood that he would drag her to whatever safe-room the agents took him into.
  • President Obama, despite claims to the contrary, HAS smoked since taking office.

So, if you happen to be looking for something a little different to read, as opposed to the usual, drawn-out, boring non-fiction or the tired, non-imaginative fiction, pick up a copy of In the President’s Secret Service.  Even if you don’t like it, at 150 or so pages, it will prove to be a useful distraction for a few hours.



Who Wants to See a FemeNazi Exposed?!

First off, a big howdy do to Richard (the technical genius behind this site, and many others – just follow the links to the right) for his first posts here at Now Richard, if you would please stop making me look so bad with your multiple posts in a week.

Never mind, it’s cool, guess this just means I need to up my game. So here it goes. . .

In a continuation to Richard’s previous post, the frantic hyper-protests regarding the Tebow family Super Bowl ad not only undermines the FemeNazis, it gives us an inside peak at just how these “people” think. First, and most telling was the fact that none of them had even seen the ad before they were suddenly outraged. All they heard was that Focus on the Family was the sponsor of the ad. Right there in the name was the thing that got these women’s blood boiling – how, in this age of a “Constitutional Right” to abortion can we subject poor, defenseless women to the notion of a family?! No! It should be Focus on Your Selfish Desires and Wants. That way, women won’t get their small, little minds confused by someone telling them that it’s okay to have a family. They should have come out and said that Mrs. Tebow CHOSE to have her son, she CHOSE to forgo furthering her career, that she CHOSE the ball and chain and degradation that come with motherhood.  If the ad had simply said those things, the FemeNazi’s non-existent panties wouldn’t have gotten in such a bunch.
The thing is, from the women I know who have had abortions, one of their first regrets is NOT HAVING THE BABY. They feel horrible for killing a living thing, just because it “wasn’t the right time for them.” (Mind you, these were left-wing liberal chicks that were expressing these feelings). What the FemeNazis forget to tell people is that abortion IS a choice. Just because you got pregnant and aren’t married, or are single, or haven’t quite had the career you’d expected doesn’t mean that you HAVE to get an abortion.  But, that’s what the FemeNazis would have most women believe.   To them, pregnancy is an outdated, remnant of evolution – kind of like the tailbone or your appendix or the muscles in your ears.  According to the FemeNazi, in this modern age, women should not get pregnant unless everything in their life is absolutely perfect. However, life is never perfect, and thus, according to the FemeNazi point of view, no one should ever get pregnant. (I mean, pregnancy’s TOTALLY sexist – how come women have to be subjected to the horrors of pregnancy, while men only have to deal with the hormone changes, mood swings, seeing their partner swell up to mythic proportions, then the excruciating pain of subjecting themselves to witness one of the most disgusting things in the world?)
Second, these FemeNazis claim that they are working for women’s rights.  The problem is, women have already made major strides in the world for equal rights: teaching styles in elementary schools are being redesigned to allow for girls to learn better, to the disadvantage of the boys in the class; for the last decade, women have attended college in higher numbers than men; moreover, in the unfortunate case of some poor career woman getting pregnant, she is already protected from being fired for it (regardless of how long she has worked at the company), gets to take like 6 months off for maternity leave, gets free day-care for her children, etc.  Meanwhile, the new father rarely gets the same treatment. Who cares if he only slept 3 hours over the last 4 days, as long as his work product doesn’t suffer, he can tough it out.   Moreover, we constantly hear arguments that these supposed “pro-choice” groups are only trying to guarantee “access” to abortion.  Now, I’ve read Roe v. Wade, and I’m pretty sure, despite whatever screwed up Constitutional reasoning was used, there was never a mention of a Constitutional guarantee of access to abortion, only that a state can’t prohibit abortion.  There is a very big difference between “guaranteed access to” and an “inability to prohibit” abortion.  But that doesn’t stop these women.  They are on a never-ending quest to kill babies.

As Richard pointed out earlier, Planned Parenthood, not the type I usually agree with, actually made a good point.  The ad didn’t come out and say “Abortion is wrong!” or something along those lines.   The ad only said that Mrs. Tebow was simply glad that she made the choice to have her child, despite all the difficulties that they faced during the pregnancy.  Basically, all the ad said was, “Ladies, you have a choice.   Look, my pregnancy was really hard.  But, I’m still glad that I went through with it.  Maybe you’ll feel the same way, especially if you won’t have as hard of a pregnancy as I did.”  The ad reminded women that they do have a choice, and that things don’t need to be perfect for them to bring a life into this world.  But, apparently these FemeNazis have a thing against women being able to exercise free will. . .

And that’s enough on abortion for me for a bit.


P.S.  Maybe Mrs. Tebow shouldn’t be so proud of bringing that tool Tim Tebow into the world.   (Just look at his face in the ad when he gets up from “tackling” his mom).   I mean, a choice between spawning Tim Tebow and an abortion . . . ?  I can say I wouldn’t totally blame her.

UPDATE – Well, despite their days of fuming over the possibility of the Tebows’ ad being a pro-life, anti-abortion, propaganda rag, the National Organization for Women (NOW) is now claiming that the real issue isn’t abortion, or the right to choose, or the right to access, or any of that other crap.   What it really boils down to is domestic violence against women.

That’s right, the ad in which Tim Tebow (the crybaby quarterback) “tackles” his mother (in no way that actually hurts her, from which she immediately pops back up and immediately scolds him) is all about beating women.  I can just picture the group of angry FemeNazis sitting around the NOW office, trying to brainstorm up something to justify their anger.  (“Well, it’s got a MAN in it!!! It has to be evil!  Umm, maybe it’s about the glass ceiling?”)  Too bad they didn’t go after the Dodge Charger commercial, in which men withstand everything the women in our lives throw at us (including those stupid vampire TV shows), just so we can drive a . . . NEW CHARGER! That’s right guys. We put up with all that crap just so we can drive a crappy, wannabe, 4-door “muscle-car.”  I mean, how dare those men say that they deserve something for putting up with proud, independent, modern women…


Devil’s Advocate

Was just sitting the the GSU Law Library, as usual, when I got tired of reading Business Tax and went online.  So, on the Yahoo! homepage (yes, I still have not gotten on that fancy, shmancy Google yet) they recently posted an article about this woman’s cervical cells that have been continuously living outside her body for something like 60 years almost.  I mean, the woman herself has been dead for at least 30 years.  So, this got me thinking about the whole right-to-life/pro-death choice argument.  Here we have scientists clearly saying that these single cells (taken off of a cancerous tumor, no less) clearly belong to a person.  They have the same DNA as her, yadda yadda yadda. And that, though the majority of her body is dead, these cells are still alive.  What I don’t get is how they can make this argument that this is just as much her’s while still maintain that an embryo isn’t a person either.  I mean, the cells that make up an embryo are clearly different from the mother, they’ve got different DNA, etc.  If Henrietta Lack’s single cells are still alive, then wouldn’t the cells that make up the embryo be alive then too?

You guys know that I really don’t care about this, I mean it’s not my place to tell a woman if she can or can’t have an abortion, and my endless federalism issues with Constitutional amendments, etc.  I was just wondering what anyone thought on this issue.  Like I said in the title, just playing devil’s advocate here.

Update – now that I thought about it more, since there’s a part of her that’s still “living” is she still alive?  Man, I bet her back taxes are through the roof!

Here’s the story



Review: Florence of Arabia by Christopher Buckley

Florence of Arabia Bookcover
So, as I said before, along with my usual posts, I’m going to start letting you guys read book reviews based on what I’m reading (or more accurately put, what I just finished reading).  And with that I present the review of “Florence of Arabia” by Christopher Buckley.  Yes, another Christopher Buckley book…

Now, while I thought “Little Green Men” was a little tongue-in-cheek, “Florence of Arabia” reads as a straight up satire of everything that’s wrong with many of the countries in the world being run under strict Islamic law (I once knew the exact term for it, I think it’s like Shira law, or something.  Maybe there’s an apostrophe in there somewhere.)  Within the first 2 pages, you get an understanding of just how smart and funny this book will be.  Suffice it to say, it involves the mandated requirement that all adult males of Wasabia (a fictional kingdom in the Middle East) pay homage to the king by placing a token amount of camel dung on their tongues for a day.  I know, right?

Well, anywho, FoA tells the story of Florence Farfaletti, a mid-level State Department bureaucrat as she doles out vengeance to the backward countries of the Middle East in retaliation for their treatment of women under Islamic law.  After a friend of hers (who also happens to be one of the Wasabian ambassador’s four wives) is killed for driving a car in an attempt to flee her abusive husband, Florence devises a plan to avenge her by rousing the female Arab population into revolt, eventually bringing about peace and stabilization in the Middle East.  Upon sending her plan to her supervisor in the State Department and a person named “S” (who I guess means the Secretary of State), Florence is immediately reassigned to the Cape Verde islands.  That is, until she meets the mysterious “Uncle Sam,” who is apparently well connected enough to get Florence copies of the President’s Daily Threat Assessments and millions in Wasabian gold.

Uncle Sam likes Florence’s plan and immediately dispatches her to the sovereign state of Matar (pronounced “mutter”), a nation that can only be described as a sort of Dubai, in that its entire reason for existence is because Winston Churchill wanted to prevent Wasabia, and thereby the French, from obtaining access to saltwater ports.  As such, Matar, and its ruling family, has grown quite rich off of charges to Wasabia for the privilege of putting pipelines across its 10 mile wide territory.  Meanwhile, the country has grown quite the reputation for being the liberal playground for Westerners who have tired of the French Riviera.  Along with her team of 3 other individuals (a PR guru, trained by Nick Naylor; her gay friend from the State Department; and a trigger happy, CIA agent with a penchant for affairs with local ambassador’s wives), Florence sets up a TV station in Matar aimed at the 2.5 million women in Matar (and countless others throughout the region) with nothing better to do all day.  Needless to say, the station is immediately a hit when it begins cracking wise concerning the various stupid laws that women in the surrounding area are supposed to comply with.  (The morning show host, in full veil, trips thus exposing everything up to her thighs, on the first show, then complains because no one can see out of those things).

Well, the TV station begins to draw a very large audience not only in Matar, but also Wasabia, much to the displeasure of the strict mullahs therein.  So much so, that one of the King’s wives actually has the balls to intrude on the King’s Council meeting without a veil and, even more alarming, wearing pants!  Needless to say, the King is very pissed and sentences her to death, setting into motion the complete and total upheaval of the region when Florence’s TV announces her sentence.

I’ll stop there, but those of you who have read “Boomsday” will likely notice the parallel between the female protagonists’ subsequent roles as they are both eventually forced underground because of their heroic actions.  But, despite that similarity, Buckley deserves a very long tip of the hat for having the audacity to write this book in 2004.  Remember, at that time, everyone was tripping over themselves to remember to say that “Islam is a religion of peace. . .” etc., etc.  But Buckley presses on, ridiculing not only the extremely harsh nature in which women are treated throughout the region, but also the United States repeated missteps and disasters in the region, the competition between the U.S. and France over gaining advantageous oil contracts and military possessions in the area, and the ridiculous manner by which those in power come into, and subsequently are thrown out of power.  Not to mention repeated trips to the bigamy joke well.

As with “Little Green Men,” be sure to keep a dictionary handy while reading FoA, as Buckley shares in his father’s predilection to employ his expansive vocabulary.  And, maybe keep a French and Latin translator handy on the computer as well.  Not that you absolutely have to have one, but I get the feeling that a couple of jokes just went over my head.  Darn public school education. . .

Anyway, anyone out there looking for a laugh out loud good time and/or a quick read should definitely check out this book, as it is chock full of the typical Buckley sarcastic wit and dry humor.  Moreover, at only 250 pages, you can easily finish it in a weekend – or all-night bender like me.  Even if you’re rarely on my side on things I post here, go ahead, see that even one-time-conservatives can be funny, and maybe even a little mischievous.

– Kyle

P.S. – I promise that the next review will NOT be a Christopher Buckley book, but at the pace I’m going on others, it may just be his Dad’s “God and Man at Yale” – which is great, just a very labor-intense book to read.


Oh Those Poor, Poor, Rich Arabian Princes and Princesses

Well, right now I’m in the GSU Law Library attempting to do homework.  But, apparently they don’t want to have any of the textbooks I need in stock in the library, so while I wait for a check to clear my account so I can go buy those overpriced things online and maybe borrow a copy from a friend, guess I’ll do an update.  So, like I said in the last post, I’m going to focus on the Panty Bomber (Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s new nickname in the media) and his upbringing to debunk the commonly held belief that terrorists come from the bottom rungs of society and only take up the box opener and explosive laden shoe out of desperation to increase the standard of life of their families and countrymen.

However, if we look at the history of terrorism throughout the last hundred years (when it began its historic rise to prominence) we find that even the proto-terrorists that lit the fuse that eventually lead to the explosion of WWI, we find that the Mlada Bosna (“Young Bosnians”) were not those who were being ground under the boot of the ruling classes, but rather were “Bosnian Serb intellectuals, university students and even schoolchildren.”  Unlike those who were actually down trodden and disenfranchised, these individuals were brought up in relative well-to-do households and actually got to attend college (a rare thing until after WWII).  It was the fact that they were actually able to attend college and ponder over the intricacies of the world around them that led them to throw the bomb.  Because they were “educated,” they saw what was going on around them and also realized that the “traditional” methods of doing things (you know, writing letters to the editor, talking to elected officials, organized protest, etc.) weren’t working and didn’t really attract those who needed change the most.  I mean, come on, if you’re busy picking radishes for 14 hours a day for $0.25 an hour, do you really have the desire to come home and sit down and write a letter.  More importantly, if you’re picking radishes for $0.25 an hour, do you even know how to write a letter?

So what these people realized was that, tradition be damned.  If they were ever going to make a change happen, they needed to do something to get the attention of the ruling class.  And bombs are pretty good attention getters.  But, that’s one of my main points.  These were EDUCATED people, advocating random bombings (to be fair, they only targeted the rulers themselves, avoiding women and children).  Their educations had actually made them too smart.  It wrested from them an understanding that violence in the name of change is still violence.  They instead replaced the common, traditional value system with a “higher understanding” of how things worked and how things should be.  And as such, were able to convince themselves that what they were doing was ok.

In fact, it has been this “reason-based” explanation that has been advanced by terrorists and their sponsors for decades.  In the 1970s, when the UN was taking up the case of the recent advent of truly international terrorism, their arguments were essentially that the violence wasn’t what was wrong with terrorism, it was what they were fighting against that truly mattered.  “[T]he Third World delegates argued forcefully that it is not the violence itself that is germane, but its ‘underlying causes’: that is, the ‘misery, frustration, grievance and despair’ that produce the violent acts.”  32.  Thus, to the terrorist, it’s not the violence per se (we’ll get to that later), but rather why the violence existed in the first place.  “Terrorist” according to this definition of the word could not be held against someone who is “denied the most elementary human rights, dignity, freedom and independence, and whose countries objected to foreign occupation.” 32.

All of these individuals had conjured up this explanation due to the fact that their (more often than not) liberal, Western educations had eliminated a sense of belonging to their traditional class/caste/tribe/whatever.  Instead, they began to feel that their lives were consistently becoming more meaningless, hopeless, and lonely, to the point where they sought out something to fill the hole that their educations had bore into them.  Enter the “Utopian” vision, where their countrymen’s problems are not their own, but rather forced down upon them by the ruling class/colonialists/the bourgeoisie/the Jews/America.  If only their countrymen would wake up and smell the coffee, they’d realize that they were the masters of their own destiny, and as such would rise up and throw off the shackles of their oppressors.  But alas, because of the craftiness of their oppressors, their countrymen weren’t able to remove the blinders.  Enter the terrorist’s idea that by causing violence to the oppressors, they would be able to bring enough attention to the suffering of their people and their oppressors would be forced to concede defeat and let them be free.  It’s as if, instead of Gandhi simply doing hunger-strikes, he poisoned the British water and food supplies until they left of their own accord.  (Would that be more of a non-voluntary hunger strike then?  But I digress).

To further the terrorist’s idea that he is simply an enlightened soul, helping out his oppressed countrymen, many of these terrorist groups will come up with name like “freedom fighters,” or “liberation army,” etc.  Furthering entrenching the idea that it’s not the violence that’s the problem, it’s why they’re being violent.  “[T]he terrorist is not pursuing purely egocentric goals. . . .  The terrorist is fundamentally an altruist: he believes that he is serving a ‘good’ cause designed to achieve a greater good for a wider constituency . . . which the terrorist and his organization purport to represent.” 43.  Thus, from the Young Bosnians, to the Weather Underground, to Osama bin Laden, to Fruit of the Loon (just read that one today – awesome), the most prominent terrorists have been the product, not of poverty and strife, but rather a very comfortable lifestyle that they come to despise because they were educated to believe that those things actually separate them from the rest of their countrymen.

“Now Kyle, you only just listed like 4 terrorist groups, and you didn’t even say al Qaeda, you said Osama bin Laden.  And the Young Bosnians and Weather Underground don’t count – they are ancient history in the terrorism world.”

Yeah, I’m not saying that every terrorist is some wealthy, disassociated person.  Most of the underlings, the ones that strap bombs to their chests and then blow themselves up in the marketplace in Afghanistan, are from the lower rungs of society.  But they’re not being the prototypical terrorist, in that they aren’t attacking the oppressor, rather they are simply inducing random violence to keep the country on the news.  I mean, if CNN/MSNBC/CBS/ABC/AP/BBC/Reuters/Fox News wouldn’t report on the bombings that didn’t kill an American (or British or [Insert foreign nationality here]), do you think the American public would really care?  Probably not.  We might hear about it from one source, say “Oh, that’s too bad.  Who won on American Idol?  Where can I download ‘Pants on the Ground’?”  Then move on.  But, if they keep doing it every day, and we hear about a new one every day, we’d probably get bored of it, making us wish something different was happening “over there.”  I mean, imagine 365 straight days of reruns of that crappy Britney and Kevin reality show, at the same time, on every single channel.  And they only played the same episode.  I’d likely strap on my own panty bomb just to put myself out of my own misery.  (And pause.  Now giggle because I said “strap on”).

Well, this is essentially what those underlings are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq – wearing us down.  The prototypical terrorist knows that this isn’t what needs to be done.  They ascribe to the idea that instead of wearing us down, they simply need to land one good hit.  Then scurry back to hide in whatever cave they came out of.  “May persons [. . .] harbor all sorts of radical and extreme beliefs and opinions, and many of them belong to radical or even illegal or proscribed political organizations.  However, if they do not use violence in the pursuance of their beliefs, they cannot be considered terrorists.  The terrorist is fundamentally a violent intellectual, prepared to use and indeed committed to using force in the attainment of his goals.” 43.  The underling wants to annoy us.  The terrorist wants us out of their country/out of the Middle East/destroyed altogether/to adopt socialism/to adopt more socialism, and in order to do this, visits violence on us.

What America especially needs to realize now, is that the type of religious based terrorism we face now is very different from that of the IRA or PLO or ETA.  Instead, groups like al Qaeda and others can’t be bargained with.  We can’t send them more aid, because those who are out there preaching this corrupt version of Islam don’t need any aid.  They’ve got their rich families and other various supporters.  We can’t appease them with acceptance into the political process.  “[T]raditional counterterrorism approaches and policies may not be relevant, much less effective, in the face of [religious terrorism].  Political concessions, financial rewards, amnesties and other personal inducements that have often been successfully applied against secular terrorists would be not only irrelevant but impractical.” 128.  That’s where the recognition of the fact that the typical “terrorist” is some downtrodden impoverished person only out seeking the betterment of his survivors would actually put America on the path to bringing an end to the “War on Terror.”


P.S. – All quotes are from “Inside Terrorism” by Bruce Hoffman.  And, this was a copy printed in like 1999 or 2000, so the more recent copies may have different quotes, page numbers, etc.  Get over it – it was an old textbook from college.  Just be glad I actually did some research and not just made up a bunch of stuff.

Little (Wanna Be) Bomber Boy

He just looks so sad and misunderstood and lonely...

So, I’m sure you all have heard, but the United States came scarily close to suffering yet another terrorist attack, the first since 9/11. The only saving grace was the fact that the would-be terrorist, current piece of burnt toast, used a defective detonator. Instead of causing the packet of PETN to explode, he merely succeeded in catching himself on fire. Luckily, many of the passengers on the flight tackled the man and removed his bomb-laden underwear. Now Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the 23 year-old wanna be terrorist is sitting in a federal prison, warning that more attacks are on the way.

Now, I’m not going to get into the whole “Why did this happen?! Who’s going to pay for their mistakes?! OMG! The sky is falling!” like a lot of people out there. Things like this happen. A guy tries to light his shoes in order to blow up a plane and the United States responds by restricting the amount of liquids allowed on board. It’s impossible for the Department of Homeland Security to conceive of every possible way that these terrorist scumbags will attack us. Instead, DHS acts on the best available knowledge at the time and tries to react as quickly as possible to respond to threats that may emerge. This is partly why we’ve been so lucky to not have suffered another terrorist attack on American soil for the last 8 years.  Also, just because he was on a watch-list isn’t enough, as his family and the government didn’t have enough information on his activities and intentions to put him on the “No Fly List.”  So, let’s get over that one, please.

Don’t get me wrong, there were problems. First, it’s been reported that there was no air marshal on board the plane. Now in the years since 9/11, I’ve come to believe that there’s supposed to be one on every flight, just in case something like this happens. However, even more frightening was what was reported by Drudge. Apparently, Abdulmutallab didn’t even have a passport when he boarded the plane. Instead he approached the gate with a man in a suit. The man then apparently told the lady at the gate that Umar was from Sudan (apparently playing upon pity that he was a Sudanese refugee) and thus didn’t have a passport, but that “they did this all the time.” Apparently, the lady then pointed the pair to her manager. These were major security breaches, but both quite fixable. Nothing that a few firings, retraining, and a reinforcement of procedure, protocol and rules wouldn’t fix.

What I have a problem with is what US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said on Sunday that the security systems “worked perfectly.” Worked perfectly?! Now I know that she came out again today and twice said that she didn’t mean that the security systems that failed to detect the bomb were working perfectly, but that the “response systems” worked perfectly. Ok, I’m not sure how it’s a good idea to come out two days after a terrorist tried to kill scores of people on American soil and say that anything “worked perfectly.” I mean, come on, she had TWO DAYS to come up with that gem! Even the White House press secretary came out and said that major mistakes were made. And Obama wasn’t even there. He was in Hawaii at the time and yet the White House felt pretty safe in the fact that he’d agree with them that things did not work right. Meanwhile, Napolitano must have been too busy coming up with new words to describe terrorist activities (“man made disasters” comes to mind) to think about what exactly she was saying.

“Officer, I know you found me asleep at the wheel, but I swear, I didn’t even blink, much less close my eyes. And anyway, I was wearing my seatbelt and no one was hurt, so no harm, no foul.”

The "Dirty Bomb" Abdulmutallab tried to ignite

Unlike what a lot of people are calling for, I don’t think we need to have full body searches. I for one don’t want to have to go through those, do you? All we need is the same bomb detection equipment that our luggage goes through. If one of those machines had been used in conjunction with the standard metal detector, Umar Farouk “Imadumbass” would most likely have been caught. Heck, apparently bomb-sniffing dogs would have been able to detect the PETN as well, but I don’t necessarily like the idea of dog-wielding TSA agents hanging out at the security checkpoints while I’m heading home for Christmas. Yet again, we are sitting at a point in time when it will be very easy for the government to overreact (I mean seriously, 3 oz.?! What am I going to do with the can of Mountain Dew that I’m drinking out of? Spill it?) and call for yet another “security measure” in order to protect us. Soon, we could all be stuck flying naked. Well, maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing, assuming of course the only people allowed on my flight are Victoria’s Secret lingerie models, Jennifer Connelly, and January Jones.

Now remember, I’m not playing the blame game here. There’s no blame to go around. The terrorists found a way around our security measures and exploited it. Now the only thing to do is to identify the weaknesses and rectify them. What my problem is with Napolitano. Instead of just admitting that something went wrong, she immediately went on the defensive. Now, instead of going about her business fixing the problems, she is busy spinning plates and back-pedaling all over in order to get her foot out of her mouth. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the beginning of the end for her. It’s not a good thing when the homeland Security Secretary is so oblivious to the reality of the world around her that she thinks everything’s ok when she was dangerously close (a failed detonator close) to having scores of people killed by a terrorist on her watch, something that hasn’t happened in over 8 years.

The imbecile in charge of our national security

Meanwhile, “Imadumbass” is sitting in prison warning of more attacks against Americans. If Napolitano hadn’t of said what she said, we could all have moved on. Now, there’s confusion on what’s acceptable on flights and what’s not and the federal government is allowing individual airlines to decide what to do on their own. Now, to me that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’m all for individual decisions being made. However, when it comes to minimal safety standards, there needs to be a baseline set by the government. But right now, there is no baseline. Some airlines are allowing passengers to “move about the cabin” for the duration of the flight (according to traditional standards) meanwhile, other airlines are prohibiting free movement one hour before landing (which would mean on my flights from Atlanta to St. Louis, I would be able to go to the bathroom for exactly 15 minutes before I have to sit back down again).

Hopefully, Obama takes the cue that Napolitano is not quite up to the job that he thought she was and replaces her. But, in the meantime, hopefully she’s at least surrounded by people who can at least detect when things are not going smoothly and can correct them. In the meantime, I don’t trust Napolitano to protect this country as far as I can throw her. But, as long as the men and women of the TSA continue doing their jobs to the best of their abilities, I can’t blame them. And hopefully, America’s last line of defense, the people on the planes can look at the actions of those on the flight on Friday and be confident that they would be able to stop a terrorist if they needed to.

Preview for the next post: For years, we’ve been told that the problem with Islamic terrorism is that the terrorists recruit from the poor, uneducated slums. Meanwhile, Umar Farouk “Imadumbass” was a 23 year-old, college graduate from one of the most important families in Nigeria.



What a Boob…

So, yesterday there was an announcement from a governmental committee telling women to ignore the advice that’s been standard for years now.  Now, the government advises women to get a breast exam once every two years once they turn 50.  It used to be that women were told to get a yearly breast exam once they turned 40.  The government committee explained away their findings by saying that this will save more money and prevent needless biopsies, etc.  Meanwhile, the American Cancer Society has put out statements saying that they do not agree with the government’s suggestion and are going to stick by the old recommendations.  Now, you guys know I’m not going to need to worry about breast cancer and don’t have much of a background in science, so we’re not going to talk about the actual findings.  Instead, why was the government involved in this anyway?

The government has not even passed the health care “reform” bill, why does it care about efficiency and costs associated with breast screening?  Currently, health insurance companies cover yearly breast exams for women over 40.  If the insurance companies feel like it’s an acceptable cost to cover these bills, who is the government to come in and say what would work better?  Especially a government that makes up fake congressional districts on to cover just where stimulus money is going (and no, it wasn’t just a state here or a state there – EVERY SINGLE STATE contained fictitious districts and amounts “spent” there).  What’s funny is everything that people who support capitalism (as opposed to those who support socialism/health care reform) were saying about the results of the “public option” was just brought out by the spokesman for the ACS – namely that the government will kill women with these recommendations.  But, let’s look into that a little bit more.

First, one of the most pressing issues that this recommendation is that insurance agencies may now not pay for breast exams for women that don’t fall into the 50+ age group or even for a yearly exam.  Now, I’m not an expert on cancer, but I’m pretty sure that there are cases of breast cancer that are like other types, namely, that the cancer will kill you quickly if not treated.  Now, the window of danger for women has been doubled.  I thought that once the government was put in charge of healthcare, things would be better for everybody.  Once the big, mean, old insurance companies were forced to think about people and not money because the government would be competing with them, everyone would be happy and smiling.  But, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Moreover, remember the whole “death panel” argument, you know, the one that liberals use to make fun of supporters of capitalism, insinuating that we actually believe there will be a group of people deciding which single people would live and which would live.  That’s not what we were saying – it won’t be one person at a time, entire groups will just be cut out.  It will all start because of costs and efficiencies, then it will be shortages, and once the government starts something, it never stops it.  It is kind of telling that there would be a committee in this administration already going against what accepted medical knowledge in the name of cutting costs – it’s the bureaucracy stomping on the little person.

Now, what’s even worse is that we have bureaucrats disagreeing with doctors on what the “best” treatment method would be for patients.  I don’t know about you, but I’d rather listen to the person who went to medical school and spent years interning when it comes to my health.  If I wanted to know how to do a total of fifteen minutes of work over an 7 hour shift (can’t count lunch, even though they get paid for it), I would ask the bureaucrat.  The ACS makes its suggestions based on what the doctors believe would save the most lives.  Remember, the government made its decision based on what would save the most money.  Which side sounds like it really “cares about people”?

Okay, time for me to put my paranoid, conspiracy theory hat on for a second.  Does the timing of this announcement seem kind of fishy to anyone else.  The health care reform bill is looking to stall in the Senate (thanks to Lieberman of all people) so desperate action is needed to keep the socialism rolling.  What better way to do that than to have some governmental committee come up with some announcement to contradict accepted medical knowledge.  Now, just leave it to the “big, mean” insurance companies to follow whichever recommendation saves them money (in this case by cutting coverage for groups not covered by the government’s new recommendation). Now, all of these people are unable to get their breast exams and run to the government, which has just changed its mind as to breast exams.  Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people are stuck at the teat of the state.  All with the government looking squeaky clean.

Who would have thought my first post on health care reform would be about breast exams and not mandatory jail terms for noncompliance or other such things?  I guess I still want to try that “I’m a doctor and I can give you a free breast exam” line at the bar.  Come to think of it, when the government cuts coverage for them because it can’t afford them anymore, I guess I could be a back alley breast exam performer…


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20 Years Later, We Still Haven’t Learned…

So, it’s been awhile, but thanks for sticking with me.

Yesterday marked a major anniversary in world history.  Twenty years ago marked the beginning of the end of the Berlin Wall.  This event came to symbolize the collapse of the Evil Empire and was supposed to mark the end of the Soviet Union as a major world power and delegitimize communism (or Sovietism if you will) as a practical economic and political model.  However, this year marks a bittersweet remembrance of such a historic event.  While many of the former Soviet states have enjoyed years of economic advancement and the accompanying freedoms that come along with such economic development, we here in America are facing threats to both our economic and political security and freedom.

Currently, the Index of Economic Freedom ranks the United States at 6th in the world for economic freedom.  While this may seem like a good thing, it also lists our unemployment at around 4.6% and inflation at about 2.9%.  First off, these numbers are sure to skyrocket, as the numbers used were “current as of June 30, 2008” (  That was right before everything hit the proverbial fan.  Right now, our unemployment is at a national average of over 10%.  Secondly, many of the former Soviet states have averaged a rise in the rankings of about 14 spots between 1996 and 2009, meanwhile, the U.S. has sank one spot.  These rankings are even more surprising when you control for Russia, which hasn’t quite exactly embraced free market capitalism.  Under these parameters, the former satellites have risen on average over 18 rankings each.  (For this, I used 10 former satellites, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Ukraine; Russia and the United States)  So, even before the Index has had a chance to take in all that’s happened since June of 2008 and now, we’ve already begun to drop in the rankings.  I can only imagine how the TARP, the economic stimulus, the auto-bailouts, and this highly lauded “healthcare reform” bill will affect the rankings.

While the supposed “bastion of free-market capitalism” further binds itself in the chains of government involvement, these newcomers to capitalism are making up leaps and bounds, doing things that we used to do, and beating us at our own game.  (Before anyone accuses me of being one of those “the Chinese/Indians are coming”, those two are ranked 132 and 123 respectively)  Back in March, French President Sarkozy and the German Chancellor Merkel criticized Obama’s economic policies, stating that what’s needed isn’t more spending, but more regulation.  While this insistence on more regulation can be explained by Continental Europe’s desire to place blame on the more deregulated economies in the world, it is still telling that even Continental Europe, one of the more socialized areas of the world, wants the United States to stop wasting money on stimulus.  Moreover, these two nations are ranked 13th (Germany) and 27th (France) in Europe – neither are even in the top 10!  But even they know what we shouldn’t be doing.  Meanwhile, little Estonia is currently ranked 13th in the world and 6th in Europe, rising a little bit every single year.

“But Kyle, what does any of this have to do with the fall of the Berlin Wall?”  you might ask.  Well, here’s the answer.  For nearly 30 years, that wall represented the domination exercised by the state over the citizens of the various Soviet satellites.  It has only been 20 years, and it seems as if we Americans are beginning to forget just what happened behind that wall.  In the former USSR, the state justified its enslavement of its citizens by linking everything that they did to the economy.  Already, the Obama administration has declined to release its stranglehold on the auto and financial industries.  It has refused repayments of the supposed “loans” that were a part of the financial sector bailouts, has shackled the hands of both Chrysler and GM as to exactly what can and can’t be made and under what standards, has called for the firing of CEOs, and has made back alley deals with Democratic stalwarts like the UAW, etc.  Moreover, it has already set its sights on the medical, insurance and manufacturing industries.  What strings this new federal puppet-master will force into these markets?  In just 20 years, America has begun looking more like the former Soviet Union, while the actual former Soviet Union has begun to look more like the America of 1989, and is better for it.

Every American should take a step back and look at how this country is being run this week.  Just as the nonexistence of the World Trade Center reminds many, even to this day, to “Never Forget” the threat of terrorism, the lack of the Berlin Wall should serve to remind us to not forget just what we were fighting against when President Reagan told Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.”  When it comes to giving the government more power to regulate the economy and as a result to regulate the citizenry, I say, “Remember the Berlin Wall!  Never Forget!  Never Again!”  The fall of the Berlin Wall was not just a monumental moment in German history or even world history, it serves as a constant reminder that the threat of governmental economic tyranny is very real and could very likely happen here.


Review: Little Green Men by Christopher Buckley

Little Green Men BookcoverSo, in a lighter post than the previous ones, I decided that people might like to read reviews of the books that I read, once I finished them, so, without further ado, here is the review of Little Green Men by Christopher Buckley.  (And I know that it came out over 10 years ago, but as I like to tell professors, my parents, and sometimes bosses, better late than never).

So, a little about the plot of the book: LGM tells the tale of a D.C. based Sunday morning talk-show pundit who is suddenly “abducted” by aliens and the resulting chaos that is created when he begins to zealously pursue the truth behind UFOs, aliens, and any government involvement in covering them up.  Throw in a highly secretive black Federal agency (think Men In Black, that’s how secretive), a hotly contested Presidential election, and a little insight into the D.C. area social circuit, and you have a very sharp, witty and funny book.

Now, I’ve been a fan of Buckley’s since I saw the awesomeness that was Thank You for Smoking, the 2006 movie directed by Jason Reitman (Juno).  After that, I was drawn to his works and have read a few since, loving every one.  If you’ve never read anything by Buckley, then LGM is a great introduction.  Although he grew up a part of D.C. royalty (his father was William F. Buckley, Jr., brilliant writer in his own right, editor of National Review, and confidant to Reagan), Buckley has no problem lifting the veil and showing the rest of the country how things really happen in Washington, though perhaps in a more tongue-in-cheek manner than really happens.  Moreover, despite his conservative, upper-class up-bringing, Buckley doesn’t hide behind mere connotations when it comes to what his characters are really thinking (or saying for that matter).  However, that’s not to say that he dumbs things down a bit (keep a dictionary handy for some of his more exotic word choices) whether it be words, phrases, or references.

Buckley keeps things moving throughout the 300 pages of LGM, a book that can easily be finished in a couple of days, or more likely, while sitting at the airport waiting for the now-regular two to three hour delays.  In fact, the last half of the book flew by, as Buckley switched between the two main characters and a cast of secondary characters.  Moreover, rather than focus on flowery, poetic devises, Buckley sticks mainly with the dialogue between the characters with only the necessities given as to the surroundings.  But, this minimalistic treatment doesn’t detract from the plot at all, but only underscores the biting back and forths that seem to happen on every page.  Don’t be surprised if you find yourself laughing out loud while you read this book.

One of the more interesting aspects of the book was that it was written over a decade, and three elections, ago.  Buckley takes a bit of liberty with what will happen in the future (one of the funnier events that happens in the “future” is Ross Perot buying land in Central America, creating the nation of Rossta Rica) as well as with what happened in the past (a certain celebrity who, in the middle of the Vietnam War, emigrated to North Korea and then married Ho Chi Minh).  But, as with the writing, none of these historical footnotes detracts from the timing or the hilarity of LGM.

So, if you’re looking for a little light reading to distract you from the piles of books you have to read for finals, or for something to read while sitting in the airport waiting to head home for the holidays, or to while away the time while you’re sitting at home for the holidays, go out and grab Little Green Men.  Just keep an eye on the skies…



Free Speech Loses Out to PC Bullies

Just a victim of the PC culture...

So, there were a lot of things going on today that I could have written about, namely a Louisiana judge denying an inter-racial couple a marriage license because he was worried about the welfare of the children (you can read about it here but, that really is not that interesting since it is totally unconstitutional and will be overturned very quickly (but, unlike what the ACLU said, the SCOTUS has not said that the government cannot say who people can and can’t marry, just that the decision on handing out marriage licenses cannot be influenced in any manner by considerations of the races of the two people getting married).  Or, there was Obama trying to go against the Head of the Social Security Administration, which had stated that it was unable to give out Cost of Living increases, and asking for $13 billion from Congress for a Social Security “bailout”.  But, Obama asking for more money for more projects that really aren’t guaranteed to work really isn’t news anymore.  Which gets me to Rush Limbaugh.

Now, I’m going to qualify things real quick, in case there’s someone out there who hasn’t guessed it by now, I do listen to Rush every once in a while (but not religiously) and even went to D.C. to see him speak.  However, I do realize that he gets paid to say outrageous things.  But what really gets me is when someone who exercises his free speech is then punished for it.  If you have not figured it out yet, I’m talking about the fact that Rush was kicked off of the group that was trying to buy the St. Louis Rams.

Now for some background – over the last few years, Rush has made a couple of comments (that I’ve actually been able to find) that have been construed as racist.  First, that Donovan McNabb is overrated as a quarterback because the media wants a black quarterback to win the Superbowl.  Second, that an NFL game looked like a fight between the Bloods and Crips minus the weapons.  A few months ago, Rush was then approached by the current owner of the St. Louis Blues, who asked if he would be interested in joining the group attempting to buy the Rams.  Rush first hesitated because he knew there would be a media backlash, to which the Blues owner replied that Rush had already been thoroughly vetted by the NFL.  So, Rush signed on to become a minority partner in the group.  Then all hell broke loose.  Now, the Blues owner has announced that Rush has been removed from the group.

Now, I thought this was America, where people had the freedom to say whatever they wanted.  But I guess in this era of neo-McCarthyism that’s not the case.  Now, whenever someone says something that doesn’t line up with the PC way of thinking, they are immediately marginalized (just think of Imus and Kramer versus Kanye West and Michael Moore – while two of them were immediately demonized for what they said, the other two are championed for the things that they say).  But first, let’s look at Rush said.  First, that McNabb is overrated because of a media bias for a black Superbowl winner.  If this last election can tell us anything, it is that the media has biases and doesn’t have a problem showing them.  Now, I can’t remember the climate of the football world from then, but I’m sure there is at least a kernel of truth to Rush’s statement.  But, then why is it wrong to hate him for saying something that might be true?  At least it may have had more truth to it than “George Bush hates black people!”  But, I guess there is a reason for the vilification of Rush, because he called the media out for being racist in and of itself.  I mean, seriously, who cares what color the quarterback of the Superbowl winners is?  That’s the great thing about sports – it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, it’s how you play the game that determines the outcome.

Now onto the trickier of the two statements, that a certain football game looked like the Bloods and Crips fighting without weapons.  First, what was the context in which he was speaking?  Does anyone talk about the game he was talking about?  No, because it’s easier to call someone a racist if you only speak in half-truths and full lies.  Maybe the game was extremely violent.  Maybe it was between two rivals.  And moreover, isn’t it racist in and of itself to immediately assume that all Bloods and Crips are black.  Wow, I’m sure that’s how the black community would like to be known, as the only race that belongs to gangs.  Good job MSM, I guess whenever someone hears the words Bloods or Crips, they should immediately think of black people shooting each other.  I thought we were in the “post-racial” era, as our Comrade-in-Chief so often likes to point out.

But, beyond what Rush said, or meant when he said it, that shouldn’t prevent him from being able to do whatever he wants with his money if he’s legally able to.  But, this is where race-baiters like to say that “Yeah, he can do whatever he wants, but there are players that have come out and said they won’t play for him.”  HOW IS THIS EVEN AN ARGUMENT?!  The players that have come out and said that they won’t play for the Rams if he’s an owner are only stating an opinion.  They are only limiting their options.  Moreover, how many players haven’t come out and said that they won’t play for the Rams?  Out in the real world, if you have something against what a certain company is doing, you are free to not go and work for them.  But, you don’t get to bully around the other company simply by saying that you won’t work for them.  Why is it different in the NFL?  Now, I’m not going to come out and say that it is the Players’ Union that making a power grab and that’s the only explanation.  There may be other factors as well…

The truth is, the NFL is a behemoth right now, making somewhere close to $8 billion a year (last I heard).  They aren’t out there looking to expand their market (if they were, I think I’m about the last person in America that doesn’t really care about football).  The NFL doesn’t need Rush, just as Rush doesn’t need the NFL, so why not let him become a minority partner in the ownership of an 0-5 team that is probably on its way to being this year’s Lions?  If it would have worked out, then great for everyone.  If not, then the entire ownership group would be forced to sell.  But that’s the main aspect of capitalism – let those who have the money to set out on a venture do so at their own peril.  Then, they’ll have no one to blame for their failure than themselves.

So, I guess to wrap everything up – Rush: may have made “racist” statements, but who cares.  Media: racist, but will yell you down if you call them out on it.  Capitalism: good (but that’s a given).
